Privacy, gone?
Small blog posting curated links to privacy-related articles.
Visit the blog.I care about web accessibility, draw typefaces for fun and love to write HTML and CSS.
Small blog posting curated links to privacy-related articles.
Visit the blog.DH Volltext is an unagitated typeface primarily created for body text.
Visit the landing page.The product I am working on at my day job as frontend/design engineer.
Check out CE.SDKMy friend Steven and I are talking about all things AI: current news, how these technologies work and what their strenghts and weaknesses are.
Listen to our episodes.Started during our time at university, we gathered once a month to talk about interests in tech and pop culture.
Visit archived websiteA place for me to publish longer notes and articles about my interests and things I stumble across.
Visit my blogThe only social network I use. Follow me for ephemeral content about my interests.
Visit my profileNothing beats the good old classic in digital communication, right?
Message meMy friend Marvin (aka morph) has a nice blog writing, among other things, about hardware hacking, system administration and IT security.
Visit Marvins Blog